centralizes hiring for 1,800+ stores supported by Talkpush

Streamlining Recruitment for 1 Million Annual Job Applicants

Streamlining Recruitment for 1 Million Annual Job Applicants

Walmart, operating 1,800 mega stores and plants across Central America, faced the challenge of efficiently managing high-volume recruitment across a vast territory. With over a million applicants annually, they sought a system that effectively catered to their diverse applicant pool, ensured that every application was processed from beginning to end, and offered precise and actionable analytics.

To achieve this, Walmart transitioned from a decentralized recruitment approach led by store managers to a centralized talent acquisition operation. This transition was meant to improve visibility into its talent pool and to improve all recruitment-related decision-making. Talkpush was chosen as their recruitment automation solution.

Unbiased Data Driven Job Matching

When Talkpush introduced its Job Match scoring system, Walmart rolled it out to replace its existing technical testing process. Candidates were now scored on an array of variables to minimize the risk of employee churn. By integrating precise geolocation data, the Job Matching feature ensured that candidates were accurately matched to the right roles in the right locations.

Impact in numbers




Reduced from 14 to 7 days




Recruitment Efficiency:
Hires per recruiter have almost doubled




Increase in retention:
Improved matching capabilities + geolocation


Application Completion Rate:
Across all job applications, from frontline to corporate positions




Assessment completion increase:
With TalkScore Job Match


Additional monthly candidates...
Completing the tests, expanding the job pools

Time to fill reduced from 14 to 7 days

The once-manual application process was fully digitalized, eliminating in-store CVcollections. Talkpush-powered job application channels activated on Messenger,Instagram, and WhatsApp delivered a 92% completion rate. The conversational botsprovided candidates with 24/7 real-time support tailored to local preferences and madeit easy and affordable to reach out to candidates beyond email. Through those channels,Walmart now sends out more than 700,000 monthly messages to potential candidates.Thanks to the conversational AI and automated messaging, recruiters only handle 2% ofthese communications, freeing them to work on more high-value tasks.

In the first year of working with Talkpush, Walmart reported a 45% reduction in thetime-to-fill, from 14 to 7 days, by eliminating several manual tasks like CV processing,sending notifications and messages, duplicate management, and filtering/qualifyingcandidates.

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