February 28, 2022

4 min read

Recruitment Hackers: Adapting your Sourcing Operations to Social Media

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The latest installment of the Recruitment Hackers webinar series brought together TA leaders, Jun Abo, former VP of Talent Acquisition at Transcom and now CEO of Bright Mango Solutions, James Cerillo, Recruitment Marketing Manager at Afni Philippines, and Karla Bordon, Customer Success Manager at Talkpush, to tackle on the topic of social media sourcing.

With the highly competitive talent market, especially in high-volume hiring where everyone is fighting for the same talent, it’s crucial that recruiters manage to maximize the reach of their job postings while standing out from the competition. And the best place to do that is on social media where you can get your brand in front of thousands of your targeted audience on a daily basis.

Check out the webinar below where industry experts give their insights, tips, and what to expect when adapting sourcing operations to social media.

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Blanche: Social media not only enhances your brand and engagement, but it also gets your brand in front of thousands of your target audiences. For this afternoon, in particular, we've invited a panel of seasoned professionals to talk about their experiences and insights on social media sourcing. So panelists, if I say your name, please open your cameras. Let's begin with Mr. James Cerillo, Recruitment Marketing Manager at Afni PH. If you're from Afni, feel free to show James some love in the chat.

James: Hey, guys.

Blanche: Hello, James. We also have Ms. Karla Bordon, Customer Success Manager at Talkpush. Hi, Karla. We also have former VP of TA at Transcom Philippines and now the CEO of Bright Mango Solutions, Jun Abo. Of course, moderating the session for this afternoon is Mr. Max Armbruster, CEO of Talkpush and host of the Recruitment Hackers Podcast. Hi, Max.

Max: Hello, Blanche, thanks for the warm welcome. Hi, everybody, I hope you can hear me fine. I'm delighted to have this group of professionals talking with us for the next 20 plus minutes. We're going to talk about how social media has rocked our world and how it has changed the way we set up a recruitment operation. Recruiting, the way I started, was all about hustle and hard work and hitting the phone. I started my professional career around ’99, 2000 and people still have fax machines in the office. I didn't use the fax machine; I was on email already, but I saw it there as a relic of the past. At the time, it was all about sweat and hard work. Now, I think it's more about brains. I think the composition of recruitment has changed, but I'm not going to guess I'm going to just ask. I'm going to ask our panelists, ‘How has it changed in your world?’ We're going to ask a number of questions and try to get to the bottom of how a recruitment operation needs to adapt to this new world. Before that, I just want to set the scene. Why are we even talking about this? Well, if you take the biggest job board of all, Indeed, the global leader in job boards. Eight to nine percent of the monthly traffic, in terms of unique users, that you would get on Facebook or Instagram. I'm talking about the behemoth, the elephant in the room, Indeed. Any company, any job board below that does less than 10% of what Indeed does. So that just gives you an idea of scale. When we're talking about reaching out to the masses, there's just no other place to go in social media. That is the place to go. That doesn't mean it's easy. It's not always pleasant. We're going to talk about some of the operational pains that these vast numbers can generate. So I'd like to ask, maybe we'll start on the pain. We'll start on the pain. If you could walk us back a couple years back to what were some of the growing pains of adapting your operations to social media hiring. I'll start with Jun. To set the scene, Jun, maybe you can tell us, in your last job you went from single digit social media hires to I don't know what the number is, maybe you can tell us and think back a few years, what were some of the initial pains?

Jun: Thank you, Max. I guess you're starting with seniority, since given my experience in talent acquisition, I have close 25 years of being in recruitment. It's funny you mentioned about using the old tools in hiring because I remember when I first started to prepare for a presentation, we were using acetates for our presentation, there weren't any PowerPoints back then. The growing pain points from my standpoint is that when I first started with Transcom way back in 2015, the digital channel was basically a single digit from applicant share standpoint and higher share standpoint.

Partly the reason for that is we use social media back then just to post job openings, to post promotions, and nothing else really. There wasn't anything to differentiate the messaging, and if I recall, back then, the largest, from a hire share and applicant share standpoint, was that I have off-site as one of my highest. Off-site, for those who are familiar, is disers. So even before the lockdown, we had disers roaming around, kidnapping candidates, and then bringing them to your sites, you now have employee referrals. Then the third that make up the three largest was, of course, vendors, so you have your official headhunters. When I looked at our 2015 data, you have off-site at 31%, employee referral at 28% and then, you have vendors at 22%, and social media was around seven, eight percent during that time, 2017. Fast forward to 2021, just to close off an entire sheer worth of data, social media has become our number one in terms of hire share, as well as applicant share standpoint, then followed by employee referrals, and if you look at off site, it's gone way, way down to the low single digits. Vendor has also gone down. A significant chunk of that actually went to digital marketing or social media. Pain point back then is that changing the mindset of the recruiters because they've gotten used to a certain way of recruiting. They know that if they send out disers, those disers would be able to get five, 10 people back to their site. So there was a lot of push back coming from the recruiters. They weren't as savvy in terms of using their Facebook and other social media back then, because they felt that Facebook should be used for personal stuff, it shouldn't be used for sourcing. Then we don't have available tools in order to make sourcing and recruiting on social media as effective as we see today. So a lot has change, and that's why we are where we are right now.

Max: Well, we'll talk about some of this transformation. I guess to sum it down, it's a mentality, it's a mindset change. You're talking about the disers, that’s the nickname for promodisers. These are the ‘road warriors’ on the streets, and are like grabbing people by the neck and pulling them in. James, let's talk about your experience at Afni. Before, perhaps, did you make use of promodisers? What were they for you back then and how has that changed, perhaps, to following the same trends?

James: We did. Actually, it's the same thing that happened to us. The difference is the big fee channel back then when I started in recruitment, especially for Afni, it’s ERP, the biggest of all. The second one is the diser in terms of share of hires. The second one is off-site, which is the promodisers. Then the third one was online. I think we had a 16 to 20% share of hires from online before. Then the big chunk would be 40% from ERP and then 35% from off-site. We also utilize out-of-home advertising, and recruitment partners as well, though it's not as big as others, the recruitment partners. Then when we started back in 2020, when the pandemic hit, and up until right now, closing of data, we’re at 52, 54% share of hires from online, 30 or 40% from ERP. Actually, we only have two channels right now that we're really pushing out there, which is online, and then ERP. Then for online, the biggest chunk, 80 to 90% of our leads, are coming from Facebook.

Max: What took everybody so long? In the case of Jun, he said there some of it was a mental block or just habits, habits of how you used to do recruitment and what it meant to do recruitment. Did you experience the same or do you think there was other things that were slowing down the adoption of Facebook for sourcing?

James: Well, yeah, quite a bit on the mentality. Although what we did before then, we already adapted Talkpush back then. So the pain point back then was actually trying to get everybody to know the tool and to actually rely on the tool in terms of sourcing, because Excel was the number one friend of everybody in recruitment and forms, the physical forms, they're the best friends of people in recruitment. Even if I already sent an email, “Can you give me the form?” Those things. Right now it's

changing because we can't see everybody face to face, they have to little by little adapt to technology and where they can see the applicants because you can’t see them, you can’t call them.

Max: For the people who are listening in who don't know what Talkpush is. Actually, you can look it up. It's the company that I founded. We do specialize in helping companies automate social media sourcing. I guess Excel was the tool beforehand, and we have to move some people away from Excel. Excel is great, by the way, we're not Excel haters, but it’s like a fixed snapshot in time. You don't go back to an Excel sheet from two months ago. It's a bit static. Maybe this will be my transition to introduce Karla who works at Talkpush. Do you find that Excel is still the recruiters’ number one friend when they do social media sourcing and are you fighting against Excel at Talkpush?

Karla: I have a bit of dilemma also with Excel. It's a love and hate relationship, especially with our clients currently, because I think apart from the mentality of the people and adjustment, one of the main factors why we also had to switch to virtual hiring is because of the pandemic. As James mentioned, we can't see a candidate face to face. Businesses have to continue, so we really have to switch to a process or equipment process that can work for everyone. I think in terms of social media share, based on the data that we were able to capture as well in Talkpush, you can really see an increase for social media share of hires. For the last two years, we actually started by 20 to 25% and I can also see the trends with the clients that I'm working with. In terms of year-to-year goals for social media share of hires, it's also increasing. If I am also to check the data for 2022, I think we're at about 50 to 52%, same data that James also shared with Afni in terms of social media share of hires.

Jun: Just going back to your point about Excel. I think the reason why recruiters fell in love with Excel in the first place is because it's a way to consolidate your data points, and you can come up with reports. Right now, the modern recruiter has also evolved from Excel to a more modern solution in terms of visualizing data. Taking points for Transcom, we had to create a specific theme that deals with data points, that deals with analytics and visualizing that data to make it actionable. So we've moved from Excel Google Sheets to Google Suites in order to make visualizing data easier. I know when we first started with Talkpush, you guys had an excellent reporting component, reporting solution embedded in the Talkpush solution which, again, allowed us to make informed decisions based on the data that's being gathered.

Max: I was thinking back about your comments on the promodisers. What was great about the promodisers is you know exactly how many hires each one of them brought in, because they physically brought them in, so you can't get it wrong. That's the ultimate tracker. Tracking on social media maybe is I think it's easier at scale, but I think it is still quite technical, and something that companies maybe are still figuring out. Can you share how your operation or your clients’ operation has worked on the problem of tracking the source and going back to the initial ad, the initial click. What progress have you been able to make over the last few years? How much progress is there still to make? I don't want to throw this question at anyone in particular, raise your hands.

Jun: There’s been significant progress, again, given from where we started, where we track individually using Excel. It's a manual process. So say if someone applies on Facebook, they comment and they leave their details, you have a recruiter that monitors your Facebook posts, and would then copy paste that information on Excel, and they know that it's coming from Facebook. Very tedious, very time consuming and, of course, it is manpower heavy, because if you have multiple candidates commenting on Facebook, and you're maintaining multiple Facebook posts and accounts, then that means, again, a lot of man hours just to get things done. One of the things that I like is if you click on a particular ad, or you already know where your candidates are coming from, from a sourcing channel standpoint, whether you're using QR codes, whether you're using links, that automatically marks your candidate, from which sourcing channel they saw your ad. That's one of the things that I learned to appreciate because again, I know that the data points of sourcing channels are more accurate. Where it needs more improvement, it's to your point, what particular ad prompted them to click on and make them apply. The reason for the value here is that if they click on a particular ad, seeing you promoting about values, then that means ‘Hey, you need to create more content related on values’, because that's the content that drives engagement and application.

Max: Yeah, that's the future. I think in Talkpush we can do that by organizing them by campaign, but we can do better for sure. James, question for you. Jun said that in his team, he had to build a whole new analytics team to handle the sheer volume of data. So that's something that maybe we didn't have in recruitment five, 10 years ago. We didn't have a dedicated analytics team. I don't know if you have one of those as well in Afni, and if you've seen other changes in the composition of the team in the years you've been there, how has the social media wave affected the way you organize and you build your TA team?

James: Well, before, we didn't have an analytics team. We had a recruitment marketing team which is composed of one person. So the way it works, and before, you're usually divided for volume hiring, you have people who generate your lead, you have people who are sourcing, and you have front desk, you Tas, you have recruiters, etc. Right now, in terms of compensation, there's been an upskilling in terms of people. You get to upscale people who are in the front desks before, who are test admins before, who are sourcing people before, and you get to upscale them into level of a recruiter, so there are no more sourcing and recruitment anymore, it's just lead-generation. You're like a big number of recruiters and then your back end, which is your job offers and such. There's also a need, and we already have an analytics team, which is, right now, I think we have one, but before we had two of them, I think we're hiring for one right now. There’s been a change in a way that we try or, at least we try, to eliminate admin tasks, for example, phone screeners calling people and verifying their minimum qualification. You pass the minimum qualification, you can go to the next step of the process, which is the front desk where you're going to sign forms again, and then , stuff like that. Right now, with the presence of social media and integration, you want to make sure that the tool can track these people and you want to equip your people or recruiters to be able to just focus on building connection and candidate experience. That's our focus right now. That's what you want to go through. Most of the analytics are being taken care of by a team or the leaders to check on the performance of your team. The recruiters now, instead of pasting on 500 Excels and 500 cells in Excels, you can just look at your screen, take the information you need, call this candidate, and build connection. That's I think the change has been right now with the pandemic.

Max: The way you framed it earlier, you said we don't do sourcing and recruiting anymore. We have recruiters and we have lead generation, and lead generation, in my mind, the sourcing, it’s the same thing. I guess in the old ways sourcing is more of hitting the streets and going in the shopping malls and grabbing people by the sleeves and say come in here.

James: We still have people in the employee referral program, but they mostly do, again, leads generation in terms of soliciting to people, giving feedback to our employees, etc. It's not like a whole sourcing team with phone screeners back then. Then all of these phone screeners will just verify the minimum qualification and invite them to go into the site. Right now, since you're already talking to them, why not recruit them at the same time. So we upscaled these phone screeners for them to become a whole full-fledged recruiters.

Max: Karla, did you want to add anything to the changing composition of the team? If not, I could ask you about some of the new trends that you're seeing on social media sourcing that you have been picking up?

Karla: I would just like to echo what Jun and James mentioned that right now, based on the people that I am working with, with the different clients that I'm handling, I can really see that they tend to invest more or hire more people on things that can help them improve their recruitment processes. Since right now, social media is really a big hit in terms of hiring, in terms of recruitment, a lot of the companies tend to invest more on people in the marketing side or in the recruitment marketing side for them to be able to generate more advertisements that can attract or give them more leads. Aside from that, once they're able to attract more leads, definitely they need to hire again, or they need to focus on people that can help them put that data into a report that would actually make sense to executives or to business. I would definitely agree to what James and Jun Abo mentioned.

Max: The idea of in-sourcing recruitment marketing is still relatively new. I mean, a lot of companies have been in the BPO space and been doing it for a long time, but it's still relatively new. It used to be that you would ask an agency to do everything, but I guess the lead buying doesn't go through agencies so much anymore.

Karla: Yes. I think new companies right now tend to have this recruitment marketing team, different from the branding marketing team that handles all of the branding materials for the whole company. For the recruitment marketing department, they just really focus on how they will be able to attract more leads, get more leads, what different things or agenda that they can still do for them to be able to get qualified people to be included with their team.

Max: Jun, you’re such a good student with your hand up.

Jun: I just want to point out that being a universal recruiter with multiple skills set, that's an ideal, but you also have to factor in scale, depending on the number of people you're hiring, and in which geos or location. It's interesting because recruitment has evolved in terms of key niches in skills set. To your point earlier, recruitment marketing wasn't part of that desired skills set for recruiters a few years ago, but now it's one of the most required. It's almost similar to what happened in human resources, which turned into people operations, where you have talent management, total rewards, HR and compliance, and then workplace safety. If you look at talent acquisition, you now have the sourcing specialists, you have the recruitment marketing team, you have the reporting and data analytics team that looks at the market trends and analysis, and then you have, of course, the standard volume corporate recruiting. All these things, again, niche specialization that once you start gaining proficiency in each of these niches, they just help prepare you to be a better overall TA executive.

Max: That could spell the end, the death of smaller companies, right? If everybody is specializing and getting an extra edge in productivity, then can the little guys survive? What can they do to adapt to the new world where there's these armies of recruiting marketing specialists, backed up with analysts that give them numbers so they can optimize each campaign day by day? What can the little guys do to stay competitive on social media when sourcing?

Jun: I think that's where tools come in, that's where automated solutions come in. It's a level playing field, whether you have 100 recruiters supporting you or five recruiters, if you have an automated solution, that five recruiters can do the work of 100 recruiters.

James: I think, to add on to that, with the volume right now, I can give you an example for 2020, the highest we received in terms of volume of leads in a month was 25,000 leads, and we only have 10 recruiters. So how, even if you are a big company, how do you build connection with 25,000 people? It’s best if you'll be able to segment this, put them all in one place, automatically segment them into which buckets they're going to be placed through, and then have someone specialized on that part of the segment to talk to them and build connection, because I'm pretty sure that if you segment them, then people would actually be, ‘Oh, who do they talk to first, who do they talk to next?

Max: Did you say 25,000 leads? 25,000 for 10 recruiters? Alright, if you guys want to do 2,500 leads per recruiter, if that's the environment that you want to work in, how do you get ahold of James? Where can people find you, James? We're going to close it on these impressive numbers and then move to the second part of this.

James: You can get in touch with me through by LinkedIn.

Max: Well, James Cerillo of Afni. We'll put the links up. Jun, what's the best way to get ahold of you?

Jun: Through LinkedIn,

Max: LinkedIn, same. Great. Karla, do you want to stick around for the next portion? Julian and Blanche are going to talk about how Talkpush… we're going to do a little bit of product placements. After we've invited all these beautiful people to come and listen to our guests, we're going to talk a little bit about our product and how it helps to convert a lot of traffic, thousands of leads into dozens of conversations, and a handful of good hires, without human intervention, or with minimal work on the engagement front. So thank you very much, James, Jun, and Karla for joining me for this conversation and thanks for coming to the Recruitment Hackers. Blanche over to you.

Blanche: Thank you. Thanks, Max. Thank you for that lovely discussion. It was very insightful. If you want to ask some more questions, I think someone's going to share their screen and you will be able to see the QR codes of the speakers, you'll be able to connect with them anytime. We'll share that later. Of course, social media sourcing is here to stay. This is why a lot of companies like Transcom and Afni are investing in a variety of solutions, in Talkpush in particular, that can reduce the very manual work, especially around capturing and managing the thousands of leads that they get on social media. In the Philippines, in particular, Facebook is the number one platform to beat, that's why Talkpush has adapted to that and became the very first recruitment chat bot to be built on Facebook Messenger and, today, engages with millions of conversations every day. So this is why I wanted to invite my colleague, Julian, to show you some of Talkpush’s capability.

Julian: Thank you so much to all of the people also that joined us in our talk today. For this discussion, I will be showing you the different ways that you can capture leads through social media, and also how you can capture that flow paid ads. I will also show you, after this, how you can see all of those captured leads in our CRM and how you can make your lives easier by using our automation. Alright, so that being said, I'll just show you my screen and get right to it.

Balance: Let's just set a bit of context. When we say organic traffic, these are the candidates that are pretty much stalking your Facebook page and then asking to see any available jobs. So this is what we wanted to show you. Go ahead.

Julian: So for everyone in the call, what you're seeing in my screen now is like a digital version of how life used to be when candidates would go through different sites, go to your buildings, and they simply ask questions, or even submit their resumes so they can apply. These days, what candidates would do is to go to your Facebook pages and not only ask you questions but apply from there. So the way that you can capture organic leads is by allowing them to send you a message. One of the sayings that we do have here in Talkpush is that “Every hire starts with a conversation.” Let's start a conversation with this chat bot. So once I click on ‘Send a Message’, it will bring you to the chat bot of your page. As you can see here, the chat bot is already interacting with me. It's asking me what I want to do today, and it allows me to also ask it questions. The important thing here is that the chat bot would allow me to browse the different vacancies and campaigns that you're currently running. For this instance, I clicked on ‘Browse Vacancies’, and since I clicked on that, the chat bot would ask me where I currently am. So it also helps you filter out where candidates are applying from, which cities they're currently in. For this one, I clicked on Philippines, and it identified that I'm in Makati right now. It would only show me the vacancies that are within this vicinity. As you can see there, Makati front-end software engineer and Makati customer success, so on. Once I see all of these vacancies, I can click on ‘Apply’. From there, the bot would start capturing my data. It allows me to submit my contact details, as well as, again, to clarify which city that I'm in. Even though this is a chat bot, it would verify if all of the things that I have submitted is absolutely correct. Once verified, then I can start answering the questions that you, the recruiters, would like to ask for that specific role. Again, this is very customizable. The questions are not a one size fits all. You can ask different questions for the different roles that you would be running. Once all of this is set, the candidate can even view their profile, then all of this data will be stored in the CRM right away. I'll show you this later on. With that being said, that would be the organic flow of where your candidates would be in.

Blanche: How about if you want to reach more of your target audiences, of course, paid ads are the way to go, how about the [candid] generation?

Julian: They're also paid solutions, such as the graphic ads, and also the lead ads. What you're seeing in my screen now, since we're done talking about how candidates can just interact with your Facebook page, what you can see now is a traffic ad that is specific to just one campaign. Of course, what you would want to do is target candidates for specific roles. For example, this one is for the graduate training program. Since I clicked on ‘Apply to This’, you can see here in the screen that it's showing the job cart for this role alone. It doesn't bring back the candidate to the previous organic flow, wherein it would ask all of this information over again. This way the candidate is focused on the role that they want to apply for, at the same time, you're saving the candidate a lot of time as well. Since you're responding to the candidate right away, you're letting them apply to that role they were interested in in the first place. One of the other benefits here is that the chances of you losing this candidate is a lot less. The moment that the candidate applies, they show interest. The most important thing to do is to communicate with that candidate right away. With the use of our chatbot, with the use of our AI system, then you can already interact with the candidate or someone, for this instance it's a chatbot, it's already interacting with your candidate, keeping them warm, making sure that they're interested. I know that all of you guys are very busy, and I know that some of you guys may get tired throughout the week, but this chatbot never rests

Blanche: Let's say I'm just scrolling through Facebook, is this ad something that pops up? How am I being targeted?

Julian: The ads will target you depending on what you like on Facebook or the interests that you would share. It's really dependent on the Facebook algorithm. Let’s say Blanche, you want something that's more efficient in capturing leads, that's where the lead ads come in, that's what you can see now. A while ago, what happens here is that the call to action is to click on that ‘Apply Now’ button, it leads all of the candidates that will click on this ad into the chatbot. For this one, if you want to capture a little bit more data, then running lead ads is one of the best things to do, because if the candidate clicks on the ‘Apply Now’ button, it shows them this form, which asks the candidate questions similar to what the chatbot would. What that does is that it allows you to ask another set of questions to the candidates as well.

Blanche: I have a question, Julian. Let’s say the lead ad form captures the data, what does it look like in Talkpush? Will I have to answer the data again?

Julian: Once you answer all of this, in this form, and the system already captured your contact details, the next thing that would happen is that the system would automatically send a message to you, inviting you to proceed with your application. This is how it looks like. For each campaign that you run, you can actually set up a different set of messages, inviting the candidates, telling them that they've completed, so on and so forth. For the sake of this example, as you can see here, there is a code that says interview page URL and Messenger interview link. Now, once the candidate fills this form out, they are sent this message, and all the candidate needs to do is click on either one of those links, and then they would already be led either to the chat bot, or to the landing page. Then similar to what I showed earlier, with the graphic ads, the candidate doesn't have to go through the organic bot flow, wherein the bot would ask for their contact details again, and then it would ask which position they want to apply for, so on and so forth. This one is also a direct approach that allows your candidates to push through with their application for that campaign. Now, when you're running these ads or running these posts, of course, one of the things that would come to mind is that candidates are flowing into my Facebook page, candidates are flowing into my lead ads and traffic ads. Sometimes that data can get a little overwhelming, but no worries, because we're capturing all of these into Talkpush. This is basically how it looks like. As you can see here, all of these candidates applied through different sourcing channels. Some of them applied from those Facebook lead ads, or traffic ads, some of them came in through your page, and some of them even apply through your different job boards, but no worries, because all of that data is stored here. As you can see on the right, this is a candidate's profile, their contact details are saved, then, all of these are candidate attributes connected to questions that you ask them. As you can see there, the question about what my LinkedIn link is, so on and so forth.

Blanche: Since you mentioned that Talkpush can connect with different sourcing channels, is there a way for us to see which channel it came from?

Julian: Yes. Actually, that is a good question. So here, in the application details, you can already identify which source a candidate is coming from. This candidate applied through Messenger, so we know that this candidate was organic. They went to your Facebook page, and then they push through with your application. Let's say they're coming in from a lead ad, this would then state lead ad, and then you can also see the lead ID here in the ‘Other Information’ area. From there, you can identify which lead ads work or which lead ads are the best for sourcing candidates, so on and so forth.

Another thing that I would like to show here in the CRM is that you can identify which campaigns candidates are flowing into, so we don't just jam them all in one system. All of these candidates are segregated depending on what job cart they chose, like he saw earlier, there are different job carts at the bot is allowing you to apply to. This one, you can segregate or just choose which ones you would like to view or which candidates you would like to view. Then we also can segregate them depending on which folder they're currently in. As you can see here, it also shows you how many candidates are in a specific stage. Now, the good thing about these folders segregations is that the recruiters would know how many candidates are in each phase. Also, you can map this out the same way as you've mapped out your recruitment process.

Blanche: Talkpush tracks ad, could you also track how many leads are coming in from, let’s say, I wanted to see which is my top performing channel. Is it social media, is it job boards? Is there a way that I could track that?

Julian: Yes. We also have analytics for that. We can filter out which campaigns you want to look into, as well as which sourcing channels have worked for you the best so that you can focus on those or put in a little bit more effort in those that are lagging behind.

Blanche: I wanted to re-engage in six months to everyone that I rejected. Can I do that?

Julian: Yes, absolutely. You can also set parameters within your campaign, which allows you to block candidates from applying again, since they've already applied before so that there wouldn't be duplicates. You can also set parameters where candidates can only apply after six months of being rejected. Or sometimes, if you're feeling generous, or if you're feeling nice, you can even allow candidates to send multiple applications and keep trying. Now, another thing that I would like to talk about is a solution that we have for all. Jun mentioned a while ago that the only way those small companies can adapt is through the different tools that they can use. We are a recruitment automation platform, and we are a tool that helps you automate a lot of your tasks. This is where AutoFlow comes in. This solution allows you to automate different steps of your recruitment process. From filtering them to sending messages to the different candidates. Let's say you want to set parameters such as only getting those candidates that have at least one year experience for that role that you're hiring for, and also, if they're at least a high school graduate, you can set that parameter so that all of those candidates will push on through to the next step. Then those that don't fit those qualifications yet, can be placed in a pooling folder so that you can read them in the future. Now, another thing to keep in mind with this AutoFlow is it’s not just moving candidates from folder to folder or through your recruitment process. It can also allow you to automatically send messages to candidates. Also, if ever you're running some assessments, we can also help with that. We can put in those assessment links on the messages that you would have, then you can set parameters wherein if a candidate passes the prerequisites, then we move them to a specific folder and send them these assessment links right away, thus saving you and your team a lot of time. Another thing that it can do is it allows you to automate your schedule. If ever a candidate will not have to go through another assessment, it also allows you to send scheduler to all of those candidates instead. Again, it will go through the same flow wherein it is an automated message that will be sent out to all of the candidates that pass your prerequisites. Again, save your time, automate a lot of your process, and you will have a lot of free time to do more important things.

Blanche: Just to clarify Julian, for the sets of qualifications, is that something that we could set up? Is that based on our qualifications, for example, two years minimum BPO, is there a way that we could do it?

Julian: So as I mentioned earlier, this is something that is absolutely customizable. You and your team can set these parameters yourselves so that it will always fit or mirror whatever recruitment process you have. Okay, so that's more or less it for me. If ever you guys have any other questions, perhaps you can contact Blanche, we can set up a demo for this, and we'll get right to it.

Blanche: Yes, thank you, Julian. With that, we also have an upcoming webinar that is focused on how to create ideal workflows using automation. You're very much welcome to join us then. Of course, thank you everyone. Do you have any questions, before we end, about what you saw on screen? Any questions for us or any of our speakers? If none, this is one of many webinars that we are launching. If you'd be interested, the next webinar that will be happening on March is the “Recruiting for Millennials on Instagram”. If you'd like to see more of the product, you can book a demo with us. Just scan the QR code on screen.

If there aren't any more questions, we'd be very happy to customize a demo for you. So what you just saw was the tip of the iceberg. What we really do is customize and get to know your company. Get to know and understand your pain points, and then customize a demo that is specific to your recruitment process. With that, thank you everyone for joining. If there are any other questions, feel free to connect with each and every single one of us and see you all at the next Recruitment Hackers event. So let's just have all of the speakers on screen again. Thank you everyone for joining us.

Max: Happy hiring.

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