September 3, 2024

4 min read

Seasonal hiring: Traditional vs WhatsApp

Martyn Redstone

Founder of PPLBOTS and AI & Automation Consultant to the Recruitment Industry

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In the world of recruitment, the constant is change. At its heart, the goal is straightforward: efficiently and effectively connecting the right candidates with the right roles. Traditionally, this process has leaned on established methods, often marked by manual steps and in-person interactions. However, as technology integrates more deeply into our professional practices, it opens up new, more streamlined approaches to recruitment.

One such technological advancement making a significant impact in this space is the integration of WhatsApp and Conversational AI into recruitment strategies. These tools stand out for their ability to simplify and enhance the recruitment process, especially in high-volume scenarios. By leveraging these technologies, companies can maintain the crucial personal touch in recruitment while gaining improved efficiency and a more engaging candidate experience.

This brings us to a pivotal question: why should WhatsApp and Conversational AI be part of your recruitment strategy, and how do they compare to traditional recruitment methods? This article aims to provide a thorough examination of both approaches, with a keen focus on their effectiveness in terms of process speed and candidate experience.

For those leading recruitment and talent acquisition, understanding these advancements is not just about keeping pace with technological trends. It's about making informed decisions that can significantly influence the efficiency and success of your recruitment processes.

As we delve into this comparison, it's worth reflecting on your current recruitment strategies. Are they fulfilling your needs in terms of efficiency and candidate satisfaction? Could integrating traditional methods with innovative solutions like WhatsApp and Conversational AI unlock new levels of effectiveness in your recruitment efforts? Let's explore these questions together and uncover the potential advantages for your organization.

The Rise of Conversational AI in Recruitment

In recent years, the recruitment industry has witnessed a significant shift towards technology-driven solutions, with Conversational AI emerging as a key and necessary player. This shift is not just a fleeting trend but a response to the evolving demands of both employers and candidates in a consumer-driven world that is shifting ever more towards immediacy and convenience.

What is Conversational AI?

At its core, Conversational AI refers to technologies like chatbots and virtual assistants that simulate human conversation through text or voice. In the context of recruitment, these AI-driven tools are designed to interact with candidates, offering a more dynamic and responsive engagement than traditional online forms or email communications.

Why Conversational AI in Recruitment?

The adoption of Conversational AI in recruitment addresses several key challenges:

  • Efficiency in High-Volume Recruitment: For roles that attract a large number of applicants, manually sifting through resumes and conducting initial screenings can be incredibly time-consuming. Conversational AI streamlines this process, quickly sorting and assessing candidates based on predefined criteria.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Today's job seekers expect quick and easy interactions. Conversational AI provides immediate responses and keeps candidates engaged and informed throughout the recruitment process, improving their overall experience.
  • Data-Driven Insights: AI tools not only assist in the recruitment process but also gather valuable data. This data provides insights into candidate preferences, behaviors, and trends, helping recruiters refine their strategies and make more informed decisions.

The Growing Trend of WhatsApp in Recruitment

For certain geographies, use cases and types of candidates, WhatsApp has gained popularity as a medium for Conversational AI in recruitment. Its widespread use (it is the most used messaging platform in the world with 2 Billion active users), ease of accessibility, and familiarity among users make it an ideal platform for engaging with candidates. By leveraging WhatsApp, recruiters can send instant messages, share job descriptions, schedule interviews, answer queries in real-time, and even send and receive documents and files, creating a more personal and direct line of communication with potential candidates.

From Traditional to Tech-Driven: A Necessary Evolution

The move towards Conversational AI in recruitment is not just about adopting new technologies; it's about evolving with the needs of the modern workforce. Traditional methods, while still relevant, often fall short in terms of immediacy and interactivity, which are increasingly valued by job seekers. Conversational AI bridges this gap, offering a solution that is both efficient for recruiters and appealing to candidates.

The rise of Conversational AI in recruitment is a testament to the industry's ongoing evolution, driven by the need for more efficient, responsive, and data-informed processes. As we continue to explore the benefits and implications of this technology, it becomes clear that Conversational AI is not just a fleeting trend that is more hype than anything, but a significant development in the recruitment landscape and tech stack, offering tangible benefits for both recruiters and candidates alike.

Deep-Dive: Traditional Recruitment Methods

Recruitment has long been rooted in traditional methods. These practices, honed over decades, form the bedrock of how organizations have historically attracted, engaged, and selected candidates. Understanding these methods is essential to appreciate the evolution towards more tech-driven approaches like Conversational AI.

The Backbone of Traditional Recruitment

  • Job Postings and Advertisements: Traditionally, vacancies are advertised through various channels such as newspapers, job boards, and company websites. This approach relies on candidates actively seeking and applying for these roles.
  • Manual Resume Screening: Once applications are received, the process of manually reviewing resumes begins. This is often time-intensive, with recruiters sifting through a multitude of applications to identify potential candidates.
  • Synchronous Interviews: The cornerstone of traditional recruitment is the one-to-one interview. This face-to-face interaction allows recruiters to gauge a candidate's personality, communication skills, and suitability for the role.
  • Reference Checks and Background Verification: Conducting reference checks and verifying the background of shortlisted candidates is a vital, albeit time-consuming, step in the traditional recruitment process.

Challenges and Limitations

While these methods have their merits, they come with inherent challenges, especially when dealing with volume recruitment:

  • Time-Consuming Processes: Manual screening of applications and scheduling interviews can extend the recruitment timeline significantly, potentially leading to missed opportunities with suitable candidates who may accept other offers in the interim.
  • Limited Reach and Engagement: Traditional methods often rely on candidates actively seeking out opportunities, which can limit the pool of potential applicants. Additionally, the lack of ongoing engagement throughout the application process can lead to a drop in candidate interest.
  • Candidate Experience: The lengthy processes associated with traditional recruitment can be off-putting for candidates, especially those accustomed to more immediate and interactive consumer experiences.
  • Resource Intensive: Traditional recruitment can be resource-intensive, requiring significant manpower and time, which can be challenging for organizations, particularly during peak hiring seasons.

Evaluating Effectiveness in the Modern Context

In today's consumer-focused job market, the effectiveness of traditional recruitment methods is increasingly being questioned. With a growing emphasis on efficiency, candidate experience, and the need to tap into a wider talent pool, these methods are being re-evaluated. While they offer a certain depth of candidate assessment, particularly through person-to-person interviews, the pace and scalability of these processes often need to be revised with the demands of modern recruitment.

The traditional recruitment methods, with their emphasis on manual processes and in-person interactions, have served the industry well for many years. However, in an era where speed, efficiency, and candidate engagement are paramount, these methods face challenges in meeting the evolving needs of both employers and job seekers. This sets the stage for the introduction of more agile, technology-driven solutions like WhatsApp and Conversational AI, which we will explore in the following section.

WhatsApp/Conversational AI for Recruitment: A Game-Changer

The integration of WhatsApp and Conversational AI in recruitment marks a significant turning point in how organizations connect with potential candidates. This technological leap addresses many of the challenges inherent in traditional recruitment methods, introducing a more streamlined, responsive, and engaging approach.

Understanding WhatsApp/Conversational AI in Recruitment

Conversational AI, particularly when accessed through widely-used platforms like WhatsApp, offers a unique blend of accessibility and automation. Through these tools, recruiters can:

  • Automate Initial Screening Processes: AI-driven chatbots can handle initial interactions with candidates, asking pre-set questions to determine their suitability for a role. This automation significantly reduces the time spent on manual screening.
  • Provide Instantaneous Communication: With WhatsApp, communication is instantaneous. Candidates receive immediate responses to their queries and updates about their application status, keeping them engaged and informed throughout the process.
  • Scale-Up Recruitment Efforts: These technologies allow for the handling of a higher volume of applications without additional strain on resources. This scalability is particularly advantageous during peak hiring periods.
  • Personalise Candidate Engagement: Despite the automation, these tools are sophisticated enough to offer a personalized experience to each candidate, making them feel valued and understood.

Benefits Over Traditional Methods

The advantages of using WhatsApp and Conversational AI in recruitment are manifold, especially when compared to traditional methods:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: The automation of screening and initial interactions drastically cuts down the time to hire, enabling recruiters to focus on more complex tasks.
  • Improved Candidate Experience: The immediacy and interactivity of Conversational AI make the recruitment process more engaging for candidates. This is crucial in an era where candidate experience can influence an organization's reputation.
  • Data-Driven Recruitment: These tools provide valuable insights into candidate behaviors and preferences, allowing recruiters to refine their strategies based on real-time data.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By automating routine tasks, organizations can reduce the manpower and associated costs involved in the recruitment process.

Case Study: Talkpush and Ocado

A prime example of this technology in action is the WhatsApp application process developed by Talkpush for Ocado. This case study illustrates how WhatsApp and Conversational AI can transform recruitment:

ocado recruitment automatization strategy

From a simple QR code, I was able to complete a quick online application.  Once completed, I permitted Ocado to keep in touch with me over WhatsApp.

Within an extremely short amount of time, I was getting updates on WhatsApp and being invited to submit further information. And, if I wanted more help, I could ask to speak to a human.

The Challenge: Ocado needed a solution to manage high-volume logistics recruitment efficiently without sacrificing candidate engagement.

The Solution: Talkpush developed a WhatsApp-driven recruitment process, utilizing Conversational AI to automate ongoing communication and updates with applicants.

The Result: The new process led to a more efficient screening of candidates, quicker response times, and an overall enhanced candidate experience.

Can the process be improved? Sure! I would offer candidates the ability to upload documents directly within WhatsApp just to complete the experience. But aside from that, I was amazed at the speed of response.

Addressing Potential Concerns

While the benefits are clear, some may have reservations about the impersonal nature of AI or the potential for technology to overlook suitable candidates. However, it's important to note that these tools are designed to complement, not replace, human recruiters. They handle routine tasks, allowing human recruiters more time to focus on the nuanced aspects of candidate assessment and decision-making.

The integration of WhatsApp and Conversational AI into recruitment represents a significant advancement in the field. By addressing the limitations of traditional methods, these technologies offer a more efficient, engaging, and data-informed approach to recruitment. As organizations look to optimize their recruitment processes, the adoption of these technologies is not just a consideration but a strategic imperative to stay competitive and effective in the talent acquisition landscape.

Comparative Analysis: Traditional vs WhatsApp Recruitment

When weighing the merits of traditional recruitment methods against the innovative use of WhatsApp and Conversational AI, several key factors stand out.  

Here, we provide a point-by-point comparison to illustrate these differences.


Traditional: The manual nature of processes like resume screening and scheduling interviews often leads to longer recruitment cycles.

WhatsApp/Conversational AI: Automation speeds up the initial stages of recruitment, significantly reducing the time to hire.

Candidate Satisfaction

Traditional: The lengthier processes can be off-putting for candidates, potentially leading to disengagement.

WhatsApp/Conversational AI: Instant communication and interactive engagement tools keep candidates informed and involved, enhancing their overall experience.


Traditional: The pace is largely determined by manual efforts, which can be slow, especially in high-volume scenarios.

WhatsApp/Conversational AI: The quick processing of applications and immediate responses leads to a faster recruitment process.

Drawbacks and Challenges

While WhatsApp and Conversational AI offer numerous benefits, there are challenges to consider. The potential for a perceived lack of personal touch and the reliance on technology can be concerns for some. Furthermore, ensuring that the AI accurately assesses and responds to diverse candidate profiles is crucial to avoid missing out on suitable applicants.

Looking to the future: New features of Whatsapp

At this year’s Conversations Conference, Meta announced some exciting new features coming soon to Whatsapp, which will provide further opportunities for recruiters to take advantage of:

WhatsApp Communities: This feature allows the creation of larger, structured groups, ideal for engaging broader candidate pools. For recruiters, this means being able to create dedicated communities for different roles or departments, facilitating more targeted and effective communication with potential candidates.  For seasonal hiring, this could mean nurturing and engaging with your seasonal workers between hiring peaks.

Enhanced File Sharing: The increased limits for file sharing on WhatsApp will be a boon for recruitment. Recruiters can share and receive more comprehensive documents like detailed resumes, portfolios, or even contracts and onboarding documents, making the screening and onboarding processes more efficient and thorough.

Verified Companies on WhatsApp: The ability for companies to become 'verified' on WhatsApp adds a layer of trust and authenticity to the recruitment process. This verification can assure candidates of the legitimacy of the recruitment communications, enhancing their confidence in the interaction and the brand.

Voice Notes: While these have been around for some time, their use is becoming more and more prevalent. If I was a forward-thinking recruiter, I’d be giving candidates the option to either use text or voice to send messages - whether that be answering screening questions or asking for updates on the process.

These new features present exciting opportunities for recruiters to innovate and streamline their processes, making recruitment not just more efficient but also more engaging and trustworthy for candidates.

Call-to-Action: Assess and Enhance Your Recruitment Process

For decision-makers in recruitment and talent acquisition, it's time to take a critical look at your current processes. Are they as efficient and effective as they could be? Could WhatsApp and Conversational AI provide the enhancement you need?

Consider these steps to start your assessment and transition:

  1. Review Your Current Process: Identify areas where bottlenecks occur and where candidate engagement could be improved.
  2. Research and Understand: Familiarise yourself with Conversational AI and WhatsApp-based recruitment tools. Look at case studies and industry reports to understand their impact.
  3. Start Small: Implement these technologies in a controlled environment to gauge their effectiveness and suitability for your organization.
  4. Gather Feedback: Collect input from both candidates and recruiters to understand the impact of these new tools.
  5. Scale Accordingly: Based on the results, gradually integrate these technologies into your broader recruitment strategy.

Remember, the goal is not to replace your existing processes entirely but to enhance them with tools that can bring efficiency, speed, and improved candidate experience.

In conclusion, the comparison between traditional recruitment methods and the innovative use of WhatsApp and Conversational AI reveals a clear shift in the landscape. With increased efficiency, enhanced candidate satisfaction, and quicker processes, WhatsApp and Conversational AI are not just trends but pivotal tools in modern recruitment strategies.

As we advance, the potential of these technologies to refine and improve recruitment processes is undeniable. For those in talent acquisition and recruitment, embracing these changes is not merely about staying current; it's about optimizing your recruitment strategy to attract and engage the best talent effectively.

Are you ready to explore the possibilities that WhatsApp and Conversational AI hold for your recruitment process?

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